If I wait for all my questions about God to be answered... when then would I start to serve him ?
When they are answered to your satisfaction. A better question would be: why would you start to serve him before they are answered?
in my last year of university i wrote a paper called traumatic child sexual abuse, psychological death and the reduction in the belief in the power of god.
it was a term paper for a class on death and dying for a religion course i took.
not exactly what the prof expected but he agreed it made some excellent points.
If I wait for all my questions about God to be answered... when then would I start to serve him ?
When they are answered to your satisfaction. A better question would be: why would you start to serve him before they are answered?
in my last year of university i wrote a paper called traumatic child sexual abuse, psychological death and the reduction in the belief in the power of god.
it was a term paper for a class on death and dying for a religion course i took.
not exactly what the prof expected but he agreed it made some excellent points.
Resurrection is a whole different topic Caliber. Because even if I were to concede that some sort of God does exist, why would that lead me to automatically assume that people were resurrected to some sort of afterlife after they die? The two don't necessarily follow other than in human tradition, which you might have noticed, I don't put a heck of a lot of stock in.
...or if i should reposnd.. hey there lady!
just dropping a line because i have been very concerned about you.
i know you do school and work and trying to learn a language-that is a lot of work!
Probably the easiest way to get them to leave you alone is to ignore emails and phone messages like that one. People feed off response. Don't give them any fuel and they will die out. It may take 30-90 days, but they will eventually die out. In fact, you will be amazed at how quickly they really do forget all about you and that will be another time of vulnerability that might tempt you back.
Because everyone needs to feel special and important and have a sense of belonging to some sort of social group. Find something else to replace it otherwise, nature abhors a vacuum and you might be sucked back in.
in my last year of university i wrote a paper called traumatic child sexual abuse, psychological death and the reduction in the belief in the power of god.
it was a term paper for a class on death and dying for a religion course i took.
not exactly what the prof expected but he agreed it made some excellent points.
Death seems like permanent harm to me.
dear ones.
rather, it is our adversary who says we will do anything... anything... to avoid it.
a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. even curse god to his face.
Well, I can't argue with "God can do anything he wants and talk to whoever he wants." Yes, you're right, he can, if he exists. However, if he wants to convince me he does exist, he's going to have to do a bit more than whisper in Shelby's ear so no one else can hear.
Because I can only use the brain he supposedly gave me to perceive reality. And my brain requires reason and logic and evidence to believe something exists. So why doesn't he want me to hear his voice? Why doesn't he speak to me in a language I can understand? He gave me ears to hear. They can hear every other bloody noise on this planet. Why can't they hear God's voice?
(And please spare me the disservice, of telling me its because I don't have a pure or receptive heart. Because that would just be another judgemental cop out along the lines of "I am good and you are wicked and so therefore God talks to me and not to you.")
when i first read over this on msnbc news today, it was truly morbid of just one soldier to do something like this.. but to think that 12 are being implicated tells you how truly sick a lot in the u.s. forces are.. what is the difference between what they did and what hitlers soldiers did?.
here is the link for the whole article:.
Do some still think the Trade Center terrorists came out of Iraq and that was the reason for that war? I agree we should defend against terrorists, but let's not forget it was the US who put that particular terrorist, (Hussein) into power in the first place. They also did nothing when he committed genocide in his own country, years ago. No one gave a damn about that particular terrorist act. Smoke and mirrors and the agendas of old, corrupt, greedy men. I have nothing against soldiers or the troops. Only, old, corrupt, greedy men who create the need for them.
in my last year of university i wrote a paper called traumatic child sexual abuse, psychological death and the reduction in the belief in the power of god.
it was a term paper for a class on death and dying for a religion course i took.
not exactly what the prof expected but he agreed it made some excellent points.
I love my son and my friends. As far as men, I think I tend to put them off with my directness and brutal honesty. I can play coy, if I want, but it was just so hard won, you know?
dear ones.
rather, it is our adversary who says we will do anything... anything... to avoid it.
a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. even curse god to his face.
lol Gladiator.
I was thinking the same thing. Because if you just came out and said that you do think you are special and that God speaks to you because you are more righteous than the rest of us, you would have a lot more credibility. No one could argue with your private experience, even if they did question your sanity. It would just come across as a lot more honest and less hypocritical than your fake humility and fake blessings of peace and attempts to convince us all with fallacious, illogical arguments.
Come on, confession is good for the soul, admit it. God told you we are all persecuting you and we are going to be burnt toast very shortly, didn't he?
in my last year of university i wrote a paper called traumatic child sexual abuse, psychological death and the reduction in the belief in the power of god.
it was a term paper for a class on death and dying for a religion course i took.
not exactly what the prof expected but he agreed it made some excellent points.
That's also the reason I don't blame God or religion for the evil in the world. I blame our human/animal natures. I see religion as attempts on the part of more evolved people to civilize and tame those natures. Unfortunately, they usually fail, as the primal brain seems to dominate, and that's where the hypocrisy comes in and they end up often being just vehicles for more domination and control. I actually don't see it as a religion problem or an atheist problem but a human nature problem. Systems of political government tend to follow the same route. But we must start where we are and work with what we have, in the moment.
in my last year of university i wrote a paper called traumatic child sexual abuse, psychological death and the reduction in the belief in the power of god.
it was a term paper for a class on death and dying for a religion course i took.
not exactly what the prof expected but he agreed it made some excellent points.
Caliber, I don't deny the possibility of God, only the probability, based upon the evidence available right now, or lack thereof.
I do agree with you that religion is mostly about social relationships and at least is usually a sincere attempt to civilize our more primal animal natures.